Should Your Brand Avatar Be Your Logo or Your Image?

(6-minute read)

As the role of Technology Advisor for my one-on-one clients, I get asked a lot of questions.  Some of those questions aren't technology-specific but are related to tech or digital marketing in some way.  One of the most FAQs that I receive, especially from my service-based businesses who are figuring out ways to productize their offerings is:

When it comes to my digital media touchpoints (aka social media profiles) should avatar picture be an image of me...

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What Does Custom or Customize Really Mean When it Comes To Your Website?

(9-minute read)

Although the words custom and customized are constantly thrown around when it comes to website design, I think it’s important to share what each word actually means so that you’re better informed the next time you’re shopping for a website designer.  FULL DISCLAIMER here - I know that this is a touchy subject with graphic designers, but I think this is a great topic to unpack especially due to the discrepancies and confusion.  

Being married...

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Tips for Zoom to Optimize Your Experience

(7-minute read)

As we all embrace our new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, something that has become a part of our current existence is video conferencing.  In fact, video has become an important lifeline for building and maintaining customer relationships. And although there are several platforms to choose from (Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts to name a few,) the app of choice by parents, co-workers, friends, grandparents, and neighbors is Zoom - an easy to use, free system...

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